
Getting Involved At SDSU

Students who commute to campus from home often have questions about getting involved on campus. If you have a question, email us at [email protected]. You can set up a meeting with a staff member or just drop in to the Student Life & Leadership for a quick answer. In either case, you have a friend on campus who can help direct you to the resources available at SDSU.

As well, commuter students often seek quick access to campus calendars, dining information (where is that microwave?), and other tips and resources to assist you in balancing your daily responsibilities. This website was developed with you in mind.

The Alliance for Commuter Involvement (A4CI)

The Alliance for Commuter Involvement (A4CI) encourages SDSU commuter students to make the most out of their four years at an active and leadership-centered university. If you have questions, email Itzel Estrada ([email protected])

Sign up for the Alliance for Commuter Involvement (A4CI)

Additional Ways To Get Involved

Campus Calendar: What's Going On At State?

Stressed? Juggling Multiple Roles?

Other Cool Campus Resources